Hand Cream; Who Needs it for Healthy and Beautiful Hands?

We mainly focus on the skin of our face when it comes to skincare. Whereas, the hand’s skin also needs to be cared for. Our hands do a lot of hard work in jobs, kitchen, washing, cooking, etc. Because of all the work every day, our hands have more exposure to harmful substances. Environmental stressors, dust, UV rays, and different harmful substances affect the skin of our hands. It becomes necessary to focus and care for the skin of your hands because of these reasons. Different products such as hand cream, Vaseline, moisturizer, etc. play their role in keeping your hands healthy.

In this blog, I am going to tell my blog readers about various situations in which you need to apply hand cream. Cream helps to moisturize and hydrate your hands which helps them to stay fresh and healthy. I will elaborate on the question of who needs hand cream. This blog will help you to know when you should apply cream and when you don’t need to.

Who Needs Hand Cream?

Hand cream is necessary for all those persons whose hands are involved in a lot of work and are exposed to a lot of environmental stressors. This cream is beneficial for everyone but it becomes more necessary and important for some people. Now, I am going to tell you about some situations and people who should apply cream on their hands.

1. People with Dry Skin

People who have had dry skin for a long time or have become dry then they should apply hand cream. Dryness causes cracks and roughness on the skin which can irritate the skin. So, people with dry hands should look for a cream that can provide deep hydration to the skin. Hydration will help make the skin soft and glowing. It will improve the overall appearance of the skin.

Blog on Who Needs Hand Cream?

2. People Who Wash Their Hands A Lot

Some jobs frequent hand washing because of hygienic purposes. People working in healthcare environments, food handling, etc. require a lot to wash their hands. These frequent hand wash can strip the natural oils from their skin and can make their skin dry. This dryness can irritate their skin. So, they must apply hand cream on their hands, so that they can maintain the health and softness of their hands. For this purpose, find a moisturizing and hydrating cream.

3. People Who Work Outside

People who work outside and have exposure to dirt, wind, chemicals, and sun need to apply hand cream daily. These elements damage the skin of your hands and your hands can lose their soft and actual appearance. So, the hand cream will help to lessen the effects of these chemicals and dirt. If someone works under the sun, then he/she needs to find a cream that contains SPF to protect herself or himself from harmful UV rays with hydration and moisturization. The cream will help to heal the skin and will make your hands soft and smooth.

4. People who are Becoming Aged

As we know, skin becomes to develop wrinkles and dark spots on the skin with age. If you want to keep the skin of your hands fresh and young, then applying hand cream consistently is helpful. The cream will help to not form wrinkles and dark spots on the skin quickly. So, the skin of your hands will stay fresh and young with the consistent application of cream.

5. People Having Exposure to Dry and Cold Climates

The cold and dry weather or environment can make the essential moisture and nutrients present in the skin fade away. So, hand cream becomes essential in the winter season. People who are living in dry or cold weather need to apply the cream daily so they can prevent their skin from dryness and irritation.

Importance of Hand Cream

Hand cream contains ingredients that help to hydrate and moisturize the skin of your hands. Your hands become dry because of the exposure to water, cold, chemicals, etc. Dry hands can cause irritation and different substances can also affect the appearance of the hands. That’s why; you need to apply a moisturizing product on your hands. I am going to elaborate on some benefits of the cream in the section below:

  • Hydration: When different elements and routines strip the natural moisture and oils from the hands, the cream helps to provide and maintain that.
  • Protection: Some hand creams protect harmful substances that harm the skin of your hands. These creams contain ingredients that can reduce the effects of those substances and can protect your hands from any damage.
Blog on Who Needs Hand Cream?
  • Nourishment: Some creams provide essential nutrients to the skin of the hands. These nutrients help to make your skin fresh and attractive. These help to repair the old cells. These nutrients also make your skin more resilient to harmful substances.
  • Keep Your Skin Young: With time and different factors, your skin starts showing signs of premature aging. These signs make your skin look old and unattractive. If you apply hand cream consistently and regularly then your skin doesn’t show signs of premature aging and the skin of your hands stays fresh and young.

Usage of Hand Cream By Men and Women Globally in Percentage

Women70% – 80%
Men40% – 50%


Whether your skin has exposure to extreme weather conditions or dryness, hand cream is as essential for everyone. It keeps your skin hydrated and moisturized for a long time if you apply it regularly. It gives you benefits if you apply the right one. But the people whose hands do a lot of work that causes dryness or irritation should use hand cream. If you are not applying any other product to your hand’s skin, then people with the above-mentioned conditions should apply it. If you are using other products for the care of your skin then you can skip the application of hand cream, but it depends on the situation and condition of the skin of the hands.

My name is Ahmed Shafiq. I am from Pakistan and residing in USA. I am a blogger and content writer.

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